NRT Kick-off Event

Back row from left: Geoff Millard, Chris Johnson, Kyle Blaha, Alex Johnson, and Pete Wilcoxen Front row from left: Laura Lautz, Sara Alesi, Caitlyn Eger, Jackie Gerson, Emily Baker, Kristy Gutchess, Robin Glass
Back row from left: Geoff Millard, Chris Johnson, Kyle Blaha, Alex Johnson, and Pete Wilcoxen
Front row from left: Laura Lautz, Sara Alesi, Caitlyn Eger, Jackie Gerson, Emily Baker, Kristy Gutchess, Robin Glass

EMPOWER’s new trainees are current MS and PhD students in Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. On Feb. 3, the trainees, along with participating faculty, met to officially kick-off the program. After an interesting game of “People Bingo,” the trainees brainstormed ideas for possible communications and professional development workshops. Trainees also had the opportunity to share what they hoped to gain from participation in the program and any concerns that they may have. Many interesting and helpful ideas were shared that will help faculty and staff plan for the upcoming semester.

Caitlyn Eger (l.) and Robin Glas (r.) discuss their career interests
Kyle Blaha enjoys interviewing his EMPOWER colleagues
Professors Chris Scholz and Chris Johnson fill in spaces in "People Bingo"
Professors Chris Scholz (l.) and Chris Johnson (r.) fill in spaces in “People Bingo”

EMPOWER Kick-off Event is Scheduled

EMPOWER will be hosting a welcome event to kick-off the new program! The event will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 3 from 4:30-6:00 in the Hillyer Room in Bird Library. The meeting will give the new trainees the opportunity to meet each other, discuss the program, and develop some plans for the upcoming semester. Participating faculty and new trainees are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

CNY Association of Professional Geologists Announces Scholarship Winner

The Central New York Association of Professional Geologists recently announced that Earth Sciences graduate student and EMPOWER trainee, Emily Baker, is the recipient of their Student Scholarship award. She will be recognized at their February meeting. For more information about the CNYAPG and the scholarship, please visit the association website.

EMPOWER accepting applications

We are currently accepting applications for current and prospective Syracuse University graduate students. Students interested in pursuing graduate study and professional training within the “water-energy” nexus are encouraged to apply.

Application instructions are found here.If you have any questions, please contact Deanna McCay:

Review of applications from current graduate students will start Dec. 1.

Information Sessions Scheduled

We are offering two information sessions where students can learn more about the program. If you are currently enrolled in a graduate program at Syracuse University and are interested in research and professional training within the “water-energy” nexus you are welcome to attend.

  • Monday, Nov. 9 at 4 pm in Heroy Geology Lab 115
  • Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 12:30 pm in Link Hall 151A

Snacks will be provided!

Special lecture by Dr. Cliff Voss


Dr. Cliff Voss, the 2015 Geological Society of America’s Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer, visited Syracuse University on October 21. Dr. Voss is a senior scientist with the National Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey and an internationally recognized expert in groundwater modeling.

During his time on campus, Dr. Voss met with Earth Sciences and Engineering faculty and graduate students. His visit culminated with his presentation entitled “Informing Management of the World’s Largest Groundwater Systems with Simply-Structured Model Analysis.” In his seminar, Voss reviewed the typical difficulties in characterizing aquifer systems and argued that simply-structured models are the most effective means of dealing with inevitable uncertainties. Using examples from Bangladesh and the Nubian aquifer in North Africa, Voss showed how simple models can answer water-management challenges in large aquifer systems.voss_seigel

External Advisor Leads Short Course at SU

EAC meeting 138EAC meeting 130Kevin Bohacs is a Senior Research Scientist at ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company. He visited Syracuse University to attend EMPOWER’s External Advisory Committee meeting. While he was here, he led a short course for Earth Science graduate students entitled “Sequence-Stratigraphic Analysis of Shales.” About 20 graduate students participated in a day-long field trip to explore local examples of Marcellus shale. After returning to campus, they participated in a hands-on workshop that examined the expression and correlation of depositional sequences in seismic, well-log, core, and outcrop data using Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic examples. The short course was facilitated by Chris Scholz.

University Hosts EMPOWER External Advisory Committee

EAC meeting 104

The External Advisory Committee (EAC) consists of professionals in energy, advocacy, government research, environmental consulting, and STEM education. The EAC visited Syracuse University on September 21-23. During their visit, the EMPOWER faculty and the EAC discussed the design of the program and refined the plans for implementation of the traineeship elements. The EAC also participated in a graduate student-led panel discussion on career pathways in science and engineering. This meeting signified the official start of the EMPOWER program. Click here for the full story.